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Schools Division

Academic excellence

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ADvTECH remains Africa's leading private education provider and our commitment to academic excellence is at the core of our strategy and is fundamental to ADvTECH’s success. 

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against others and relative to previous years of our own performance to ensure we are living out a continual improvement ethos and can provide evidence to support our claims of excellence.


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In the news

By Tamara Thomas 17 Oct, 2024
Many students reach senior high, or even Matric and beyond, without knowing what career they would like to pursue after school. Unfortunately, leaving this planning too late can cause great stress for both parents and students, and will likely limit one’s potential options, an education expert says. This is why early career guidance is vital during the early high school years - firstly to determine a student’s passion and purpose, and then to align their high school path to future qualification opportunities. “Career guidance allows students to be fully informed about their choices, and to make strategic decisions that will broaden their opportunities and set them up for success throughout their academic journey and career,” says Dr Bronwyn Le Ann Batchelor, Head of Faculty: Law at The Independent Institute of Education , SA’s leading private higher education provider. “While many parents and guardians adopt a ‘wait-and-see’ approach, the reality is that insufficient early exposure to relevant career guidance puts students at risk of making ill- or even misinformed education and career choices. Without adequate awareness of their abilities, potential opportunities, and the structural challenges to employment, the challenges of transitioning to higher education and the world of work can become daunting,” Dr Batchelor says that having a clear idea of one’s general future direction, helps students establish the path towards a meaningful career, as well as find purpose in their school studies. “Once you know what qualifications will be required for your future career field, you can then work your way back to ensure you pursue the correct subjects and perform in line with the entry requirements at higher education institutions. “For example, if you want to enter a legal career and ultimately become a lawyer - whether an attorney or an advocate - it is important to know that the only qualification that allows this progress is the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree. Students who are not adequately informed may incorrectly believe that they can enter a legal career with a Bachelor of Commerce in Law or a Bachelor of Arts in Law. Although these degrees allow further progression and articulation to a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree, it is only the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree that would allow ultimate entry into the legal profession.” Staying with the legal example, students who aspire to run their own law firm and have been given proper guidance will know that it may be necessary to opt for a longer study route to ensure they obtain all the necessary entrepreneurial, business, management, and legal subject matter expertise. This could include completing a Bachelor of Commerce in Law first and after that pursuing a Bachelor of Law “A career is more than just a job, it is a lifetime pursuit that provides fulfilment, purpose, and financial stability. The importance of choosing a career lies in its ability to provide direction and focus for your life goals and aspirations,” says Dr Batchelor. “In high school, students are often only aware of the popular and common career choices or those which their social circle or family are associated with, whereas there are many more career opportunities in today’s working world with this list growing daily.” Career guidance normally begins with an assessment of a student's skills, interests, and strengths. This information is then used to identify potential career paths that may be a good fit. A career counsellor may provide information about various occupations, such as job requirements, growth potential, and earning potential. They may also help students explore education and training options and offer advice on how to gain relevant work experience. “The good news is that career guidance is accessible to everyone,” says Dr Batchelor. “Any reputable higher education institution will have a career guidance or counselling office. We therefore encourage students to make an appointment and consult with a counsellor as early on in their high school education as possible, in order to ensure that they are fully equipped to make subject choice decisions that align with the entry requirements into the qualification they need to fulfil their academic and career aspirations.”
By Tamara Thomas 11 Oct, 2024
In South Africa, the ability to read for meaning is a critical skill that remains elusive for many children. According to the Reading Panel 2030 report, a staggering 78% of Grade 4 learners cannot read for meaning in any language. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need to foster a love of reading among students to ensure their academic success and personal development. “Reading is foundational to learning and personal growth. It enhances vocabulary, improves comprehension, and stimulates imagination. Moreover, reading is linked to better academic performance across all subjects. For South Africa, where educational disparities are significant, promoting reading can be a powerful tool to bridge the gap and empower future generations,” says Kassandra Strydom, Academic Advisor: Foundation Phase at ADvTECH , Africa’s leading private education provider. Strydom emphasises that in a world dominated by social media and mobile devices, keeping a child's interest in reading can be challenging. However, she underscores that this is a vital responsibility for parents. “By integrating reading into daily life from a young age, and making it an enjoyable activity, parents can help their children develop a lifelong love for reading, thereby improving their prospects of personal and academic achievement,” she says. Strydom notes that the findings of the Reading Panel 2030 report highlight the critical need for efforts to ensure that all children in South Africa can read for meaning by 2030. And while the Department of Education committed to addressing challenges identified in the report at a recent session where Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube delivered the keynote address, the mammoth task could not be left to educators alone, she said. “Schools and teachers play an important role in teaching students how to read, but few are equipped to instil a genuine love for reading by the time children begin formal education. This essential passion must be nurtured at home to create a supportive environment where students can thrive once they master their ABCs.” Strydom says parents play a pivotal role in nurturing a child’s love for reading, and says it can be done by: CREATING A READING-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT & LEADING BY EXAMPLE Second-hand books are often very affordable, and libraries are free, making it easy for families to fill their homes with a diverse selection that caters to their child's interests and reading level. Choosing books together can be a fun and exciting activity, providing valuable parent-child bonding time. Once the books have been selected, engaging in paired or shared reading experiences can enhance this connection. Creating opportunities to read together in a relaxed and intimate setting—whether snuggled on the couch or curled up in bed—makes reading feel special. This not only fosters a love for reading but also connects the activity to positive emotions and quality time spent together. By modelling positive reading habits and setting aside dedicated reading time each day, parents can help cultivate a lifelong passion for books in their children. USING TECHNOLOGY WISELY Excessive screen time can negatively impact children’s development, prompting many schools to limit mobile phone usage to create more focused learning environments. To balance screen time at home, families can implement "reading timeouts" that benefit both child and parent. While there are numerous reading apps and platforms that can make reading engaging, it’s important to choose those that offer personal learning pathways, allowing children to explore content beyond just reading. These apps can foster deeper engagement with reading material by connecting it to real-world situations and encouraging critical thinking. However, it’s essential to also incorporate non-screen reading to ensure children develop a well-rounded love for literature alongside their digital experiences. MAKING READING AN INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE When fostering a love for reading, it's important to ensure that the experience is interactive. Encourage children to engage with books before diving into the text by taking time for ‘picture walks’, where they can flip through pages and explore the illustrations. This approach helps minimise distractions and prepares them for a more focused reading experience. Consider using the "5 W" principle—asking who, what, when, where, and why questions about the book—to spark discussion and curiosity. Before reading, ask children what they think the story might be about, and always include the follow-up question, "How do you know that?" This encourages them to articulate their thoughts and develops metacognition—thinking about their thinking—making the reading experience richer and more meaningful.
By Tamara Thomas 04 Oct, 2024
ADvTECH Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1990/001119/06) Share code: ADH ISIN: ZAE000031035 (“ADvTECH” or “the Company”) DEALINGS IN SECURITIES BY A PRESCRIBED OFFICER OF THE COMPANY In compliance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements the following information is disclosed in respect of dealings in ADvTECH securities by a Prescribed Officer.
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